The distrubing part will be when these American farmers demand foreign workers and get them and basically usher in a new form of modern slavery, where the US willingly allows migrants in as slave labor without rights and treat them as less than human.
That’s already how farm labor and meat packing/prep treat immigrants and immigrant children right now.
I guess it could get Italian bad, remember this?
Then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn’t have voted for him. These brain trusts are just too much
But I wanted to be racist. How can I be both racist and a capitalist at the same time?
Have you tried being a billionaire?
I know that when I’m deciding who to vote for, I always pick the candidate who promises to do something that I would consider to be a disaster that affects me directly.
Yeah, but what do you expect him to do? Vote for a DemonRat? They are woke! Also, that might make him gay, because they ran a woman, and it wasn’t even a white woman!
Woke? Woke?! Did someone say woke?! [Randomly starts punching walls, neighbors, own face]