Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
World’s most powerful military, biggest most far reaching and all intrusive global security organization, all seeing, all knowing, all capable … and all it took to undo it all was an unelected billionaire and six unqualified, unsecured, inexperienced young men with computers.
I thought this was the small government that wouldn’t be telling people what to do
Weren’t these guys that said they wanted small government that kept out of people’s lives and would stop telling people what to do?
It will be a constant game of distraction
Here look at the pretty flowers, the cards in my hand, or the flaming bowling pins I’m juggling
While reaching around to steal your wallet.
The distractions will just get more and more elaborate over time.
Americans losing control of their government in the movies: … epic battle for freedom and outwitting overwhelming forces … heroes appearing out of the most unlikely places
Americans losing control of their government in real life: … (shrugs) … meh, can’t get that bad … can it?
Windows 10 support ends and many are suggesting that instead of people moving to Windows 11, many will just move over to Linux
It’s amazing to publicly admit that we live in an oligarchy and not a democracy.
The distrubing part will be when these American farmers demand foreign workers and get them and basically usher in a new form of modern slavery, where the US willingly allows migrants in as slave labor without rights and treat them as less than human.
That’s basically what all the instability of the early 20th century was all about. On one end of the spectrum, you had communists and socialist looking at the old order and then reacting by destroying it all. On the other end of the political spectrum, you had the far right movements of the Nazis in Germany who saw the writing on the wall with the socialist wave moving in and instead wanted to create a counter movement to all the socially minded. The wealthy capitalists, millionaires, monarchs and historic aristocracy were more than willing to back the far right conservative movements who were willing to work with them than to let communists in who clearly just wanted to get rid of all the old wealthy class.
The same thing is happening all over again. Different playing field, new dynamics but still the same old ball game. Modern wealth can’t work with the current system and they know things have to change so its better to back the far right than to let any kind of social democratic system take over. They’d rather destroy everything because they know that whoever is first to build whatever that remains will be the new kings and rulers of the future. Rather than accommodate and grow in any democratic system, they’d rather watch the world burn and then take over the masses who will crawl out of the ashes.