Aren’t these the same guys who want to communicate exclusively thorough non FOIA means and also have full unfettered access to the entire system? Security audits tend to lose their punch when there’s no proof of anything and the logs have been purged as part of the stuff that’s not “read only”
Headline is, for all practical purposes, false. Let me explain.
“The Defendants will not provide access to any payment record or payment system of records maintained by or within the Bureau of the Fiscal Service,” the [Trump Administration] proposed order says.
My first thought was “They’re lying.” But then:
The order would allow exceptions for two special government employees at the Treasury — Tom Krause and Marko Elez — saying they are permitted access “as needed” to perform their duties, “provided that such access to payment records will be ‘read only.’”
So … they actually will still have access. The Independent reports:
Elez has reportedly been given administrator-level privileges that theoretically allow someone to change user permissions, delete and modify critical files that contain highly sensitive and confidential information.
Full and unfettered access, because read only my ass.
The proposed order also carves out exceptions for:
- Any person who is an employee (but not a Special Government Employee) of the Department of the Treasury and who has a need for the record or system of records in the performance of their duties;
Okay, sure, actual Treasury employees need access to data. Still, I wonder if they’ve also changed the “performance of their duties” part such that they’re basically delivering whatever the disallowed people would have.
- Any person who is entitled to access the relevant record or system of records under the Internal Revenue Code.
I wonder who they have at IRS.
I suspect that the damage (for the most part) has already been done.
World’s most powerful military, biggest most far reaching and all intrusive global security organization, all seeing, all knowing, all capable … and all it took to undo it all was an unelected billionaire and six unqualified, unsecured, inexperienced young men with computers.
And a fuckton of dumbass voters
the truth at the center of every political ideology is that every human organization is a coagulation of trust. the politics we engage in are simply about getting the most power to the most trust worthy people. personally i’m of the view that this means power should be distributed to the populace, make of that what you will. but this has always been possible. the only thing preventing it was keeping untrustworthy people away from power. we failed this election to do that. it is what it is. now we have to start coalition building all over from the start, so we will.
so bear the following in mind: any decision that affects more than two people is political. relationships are political. everything you do and say is propaganda. so build strong relationships. support people because strong people support people. reduce the harm that this system does to the people you support because hurt people hurt people. building a better future starts at home.