Maybe you got confused by other comments in the thread here. No worries.
But yeah, in some countries there is already drug education in school, albeit very basic. Most of it is stuff like how you shouldn’t mix uppers and downers and that you should drink a lot of water.
The Netherlands has some great drug education though. They even allow stuff like this:
USA only has 4.2% of the world population. And the article is about the Columbian president and his stance.
There are synthetic cathinones that give a similar effect.
Both can be horrible.
If drugs are legal, education on such stuff could be done in schools, just like sexual education.
It also allows people to be honest about their usage in case of heart problems. For example, I live in a country where you can simply tell your doctor or hospital about drugs in your system and they will not call the police for it. It’s much safer.
I read some time ago that drug producers often don’t want it to be legal. They make a lot more money when it’s illegal.
But yes, I believe it would help.
99% of my drug problems are law related.
I would call it a genocide.
for nearly three years lawyers have wrangled over finding the right courtroom.
It needs to be big enough for the masses to enjoy the hanging.
I suggest we do it outside though. That way we can have him rot away in the open.
where the money comes from
Well you failed because it comes from the taxpayer.
what is a video?
Sent from my Linux.
Man I always thought Hawley would be a good president for the US.
Now I’m not so sure anymore.
“If you are not part of my website your vote does not count ha ha ha”