Exactly, you could probably forward your RSS feed to the old domain but that would get a little hacky.
Exactly, you could probably forward your RSS feed to the old domain but that would get a little hacky.
I never tried writefreely, but I was under the impression that it’s really focused on, well, writing. Maybe it’s not used that much, but I would like to have the ability to easily upload pictures and include them in the articles with some formatting options etc.
Mostly commenting though the Fediverse, yes, but they also develop the possibility to follow other Fedi users and have a timeline when logged in.
I think most current blog commenting systems have some drawback (closed platform like discuss, limited to WordPress, or something that requires email confirmation, captcha or something else) so the ability to comment from another service is a huge factor for me.
I think there’s no way to remain at the same domain with a different Fedi service unfortunately :/
It’s simpler/more lightweight than WordPress, but generally yes (don’t know squarespace)
Waiting for proxmox-arm becoming a thing (I know there’s some community versions trying it but I’m not sure how reliable they are)