I think you’ve misunderstood where the person you’re talking to is coming from.
I think you’ve misunderstood where the person you’re talking to is coming from.
I don’t think kompromat is necessary. These are power-hungry and attention-hungry people. They’ll say and do whatever panders to the people who will pay attention to them in the moment. J K Rowling didn’t need to be blackmailed to go from saying she supported transgender rights to becoming one of the Internet’s worst purveyors of trans-hate. Many other “influencers” have gone the same route, including a few who are trans themselves. (Matt Bernstein has some good videos about these people.) Overt transphobia is a thing you can do to score cheap points with ignorant people and get attention, approval and money. There’s enough motivation there for a certain kind of character, with no need for blackmail.
It manages at once to be a kakistocracy, an oligopoly, a plutocracy and a kleptocracy - which makes sense since the very worst people are the few ultra-rich guys who scrambled to the top by stealing from everyone else.
Here’s the list of words that will now get your scientific publication flagged for ideological review:
The List of Trump’s Forbidden Words That Will Get Your Paper Flagged at NSF
This is a government of the absolute worst people.
I guess her crime was to try to employ more people who weren’t cishet white men. Unforgivable to the fascists in charge. And anyway, they just get off on cruelty because it distracts them from the emptiness inside.
Their holy grail is to be able to kill you because they don’t like the look of you, and be rewarded for it.