It seems like that shit is becoming more and more common. Write an article about a noteworthy image, video or tweet and then just write about it without sharing the actual thing for context.
It seems like that shit is becoming more and more common. Write an article about a noteworthy image, video or tweet and then just write about it without sharing the actual thing for context.
People give the moron too much credit as a strategic manipulator. He’s not that coy. If he says something, it is because he has no filter and he was genuinely thinking it. His people might talk him out of it (or distract him away from it after the fact), or his aging addled mind wanders off to other things, and only then will it have been a “masterful ploy” to misdirect, or rile up the libs, or gain compliance through threats, etc. Every stupid and evil thing he has said aloud, he meant wholeheartedly at that moment. The problem is he may or may not decide to have follow through on it later, so you don’t know if you should react to it. But if he said something threatening, it is a threat. It isn’t necessarily a threat that will be acted upon. But it absolutely is still a meaningful and serious threat.
Even then, you might need a court order to seize equipment.
You have a lot more trust in the rule of law these days than I do. They would just do it, no questions asked and then not even defend the action when the courts put a stop to it after the fact. Meanwhile the damage is done and they have moved on to fucking with some other system they aren’t even close to legally allowed to.
The tone deaf, imperialist rhetoric supporting Islamic ethnic cleansing from the commander of the world’s most powerful military and nation can radicalized people on matters of survival and principle to fight back with whatever means that they?! Color me shocked.
Who has the return of the crusades on their bingo cards?
How much could an egg cost? 10 dollars?
It’s the Robin Hood anarchist’s dream to have the ability to overwrite the debts of the masses. Instead, the Capitalist Billionaire Sheriff of Nottingham gave it to his sniveling deputy to do with it whatever he saw fit. Bets on if what he saw fit was an unethical cash grab, an evil boon to the wealthy ruling class, or just a junior dev without oversight or review deploying to production with the finances of the wealthiest nation in the world at stake? WHAT COULD GO WRONG!?
Disagree. They may have voted for, among other things, Elon to be put in a position to review spending and attempt to shore it up. They did not vote for him to be given free reign over all of the basic structures of government to fire, dismantle and shut down as he saw fit. And even if they did, fuck those morons.
Who the fuck do these people think they are. Unelected, unsanctioned, no transparency, no procedure, no committees, no votes, no oversight, no laws. Just the whims of a tech billionaire and his cronies and a President who has given him the run of Washington to rip up what he pleases. If there is any justice, both of these fucks will be dealt with harshly.
Huffpost? One of these things is not like the other. Am I missing something