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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • There was actually a dispute among the early Christians about whether or not they were still subject to the Law. James, the brother of Jesus, who led the church in Jerusalem took the view that Christians should still follow it. St Paul, for whatever his motives might be (Josephus speculated that Paul was an agent of the Jewish elders whose job was to detach the Christians from the Jews, in hopes the whole thing would fizzle out), held the view that the Law was fulfilled and also that Christianity was open to Gentiles.

  • It’s worse than that. The first lesson is that God created Adam and Eve without the knowledge of good and evil. Then Satan tricked Eve into eating the fruit. She didn’t know better until after she ate it, nor did Adam. But God punished her and Adam for doing something when they didn’t know any better. So the lesson is that God is arbitrary and can change the rules on you at any time if he feels like fucking with you. And you are expected to say “Thank you Sir, may I have another?” It very much reinforces the view that the deity is a petulant child and we’re his ant farm. And yeah, the hierarchical view and the idea of God as the Big Alpha Male in the Sky is part of it too.

  • That’s a thought-terminating cliche in this case, because Christians as a group have a wide range of beliefs and behaviors, from progressive to fascist, and it’s bullshit to pretend they’re all the same.

    I’m an atheist, but I’ve been at protests where there were Christians willing to get beaten down by cops’ billy clubs. I was more inclined to run away and live to fight another day. They’re not the same as the MAGAfundies, snake-jugglers, drive-through prosperity gospel hucksters, and pig-ignorant misogynist racist bumpkins. Your “all Christians are equally culpable” position is just another way of weakening the resistance by excluding natural allies.

  • Hezbollah is a “Palestinian” Iranian funded terrorist group

    It’s based in Lebanon and almost all its members are Lebanese Shi’a. It has had support from Iran but its main source of funding and support is the people of south Lebanon. I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, but that’s how it is. And if you’re counting dead kids, you might want to also include those killed by Israeli invasions of south Lebanon since the 1980s, along with all the other Lebanese civilian fatalities.