Deliverer of ideas for a living. Believer in internet autonomy, dignity. I upkeep instances of FOSS platforms like this for the masses. Previously on Twitter under the same handle. I do software things, but also I don’t.
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023
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TrailSense, an easy to use, comprehensive wilderness tool.
The goals of the developer are fun to consider:
Trail Sense must not use the Internet in any way, as I want the entire app usable when there is no Internet connection
Features must provide some benefits to people using the app while hiking, in a survival situation, etc.
Features should make use of the sensors on a phone rather than relying on stored information such as guides
Features must be based on peer-reviewed science or be verified against real world data
Likewise, the features being developed under those goals are great for getting outside: