We’re past the time of understanding the situation is my point. It’s time to riot.
We’re past the time of understanding the situation is my point. It’s time to riot.
And quibilling about how accurate a metaphor is at any given time is just as useful?
Let me try this.
It doesn’t matter if the metaphor doesn’t stay consistent or whatever.
Because anyone who would be swayed by a metaphor like that is already swayed. It’s time to get in the streets.
That’s not what a metaphor is?
It’s an analogy, not a script. Of course it’s not a perfect fit. Metaphors never do. And of course it changes and life itself changes.
Your getting mad about a metaphor when you should be getting mad about facsim itself. Getting mad at nothing is just distraction.
So what’s your point then. That the may be fascist but the Hitler comparisons are a line to far for you?
They’re still fascist as fuck.
Anyone who can look at the news and not understand never will.