It’s the normalization blues
“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
-Yogi Berra
It’s the normalization blues
The Woke Police aren’t going to glitter your door down and trans you.
Speak for yourself.
So I was having a conversation with a close friend of mine at sunset last night. She grew up in eastern Europe. She grew up under communism, still spends time there. These days she does early childhood education.
She made a point I had not heard before which I thought was salient, and I don’t hear echoed enough. Trump has the behavioral patterns of a toddler. His focus, his motivation is to have the attention placed on him. And what he wants? What he wants is to be recognized as a strong man. To have the world as afraid of him as they are of Putin.
So when we’re trying to think of the implementation of these plans and to what end, this is maybe a way to think about it.
Why does media keep legitimizing this treating it as anything other than an illegal act, simply because these fucking idiots used the word “department”.
Its not a real fucking department.
Ahh yes. Lets just rotate every americans social security number and every organizations tax-payer id.
I mean we have two pinecones…