By stupid people.
By stupid people.
People who think Trump is qualified are stupid. Zero dispute.
Wonder what Putin has on him.
Yeah I said when we say it, nobody is trying to remove the metal detectors from around the Capitol building and stockpiling guns in nearby hotel rooms, placing pipe bombs in the streets. Nope, that’s just Republicans. And that’s why they have their motto “we are all domestic terrorists.”
They have always wanted to break the government. They are okay with what’s happening, they knew it was going to happen, and they wanted to continue.
Agree completely. Diversity has nothing to do with this other than our dumbass president whinging.
The helicopter confirmed visual. Plane pilots were on the approach with clearance to land. Controller gave the helicopter the CRJ’s height and vector. They knew we’re to look to see it.
Seems it was her fault though. She said she had the CRJ in sight, but was obviously looking at a different aircraft.
Here’s the Pilot Debrief video on it.
They need you to include “neo.”
They think you’re saying they are literal members of a defunct German political party responsible for the Holocaust.
I hope Trump guts aviation safety and planes start crashing left and right like they used to. Make air crashes great again.
People won’t stand for it and the blame will rest with Republicans.
Even if you want historical accuracy, and you say it’s not a Nazi salute, it’s at best a neo-Nazi salute. So stfu.
Half the country is functionally illiterate.