Yeah, now THAT is a problem. The executive branch is in charge of enforcement of laws and court rulings; if Trump’s administration flatly refuses to enforce court orders, then no, nothing is going to happen. At that point, Congress gets to make a choice as to whether or not they wish to exercise their authority to impeach and remove a president. If Congress fails to act, then it’s time for the people to exercise their second amendment rights, or hope that there will actually be elections again. But such a hope seems vain, if Trump’s administration refuses to follow court rulings, wouldn’t you say?
I think that you might find that SCOTUS has conflicting interests here. Yes, the conservatives (Thomas, Alito, Goresuch, Kavanaugh, Barret, and mostly Roberts) are generally supportive of Trump. But we’re now seeing Trump flout judicial rulings, and that cuts into SCOTUS’ power; the justices are likely going to want to preserve that in the rulings that they make.
I don’t hold a lot of hope though.