The administration’s strategy is to have political appointees embedded in various agencies invoke other legal authorities to pause spending, while posturing as if those officials had undertaken the efforts independent of President Trump’s original directives.
In short, critics say, administration officials are paying lip service to complying with the letter of the court orders while violating their spirit. The tactic shows how aggressively and nimbly the Trump administration is working to keep funds jammed up, and the complexity judges face if they want to compel the administration to unblock the money.
Checks and balances? Where we’re going, we don’t need checks balances
The only checks and balances are when politicians check their balances for the latest cash from lobbyists, insider trading, etc.
I’m just impressed that all these legal experts are enthusiastically dismantling the underpinnings of their own livelihood. But I guess they’re all fuck-off rich anyways, so they don’t give a shit.
Can you imagine the dems doing all this for the sake of social progress? Me neither.
Destroying is a lot easier than building. You can do it illegally and without the consent of the governed.